Kindlalt juhitud ostuprotsess

Väärtusta oma aega ja lase ostujuhtimine teha oma ala ekspertidel.

Sourcing Software
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> Mis asi on ostu- ja hanketeenus?

Ostu- ja hanketeenus võimaldab ettevõttel teha kõik enda igapäeva tööks vajalikud ostud läbi kolmanda osapoole, kellel on olemas varasemad hanke ja ostu teadmised, oskused ja kogemused. Enamus ettevõtteid puutuvad enda igapäeva töös kokku erinevate asjade ja teenuste ostuga, samas tihti neil ettevõtetel puudub aeg, ressursid ja teadmised, et seda effektiivselt läbi viia. See teenus ongi mõeldud nendele ettevõtetele, kes väärtustavad enda kvalifitseeritud töötajate tööaega ja soovivad lasta neil teha enda põhitööd, et nad ei peaks tegelema aeganõdvate kõrvaliste ülesannetega.

  • Tööaja effektiivsem kasutus
    Ostu- ja hanketeenus aitab töötajatel keskenduda enda põhitööle, jättes lisaülesanded omaala ekspertidele. Samuti vähendab see ettevõttes kulutatud aega ostudele ja minimaliseerib sellega seonduvaid ülesandeid.
  • Increased procurement value add
    Digital tools help reduce the manual labour of the procurement team. This way they’ll have more time for refining their other tasqks, e.g. bringing more spend under management and increase internal customer satisfaction.
  • Protsessi läbipaistvus
    Tänu uudsele ostu ja hanketarkvarale on kogu protsess kliendile kergesti jälgitav ilma lisapäringuteta. Iga tellimuse staatust on võimalik kliendil reaalajas jälgida ning kogu ostuga seotud suhtlus on leitav ühest kohast.
  • Aruandlus
    Tihti on ettevõtetes oste tehes puudulik ülevaade, kes ja millal ja palju mõnelt hankijalt on kaupu/teenuseid ostnud. Meie võimaldame teil head ülevaadet enda hankijatest ja nendega seotud ostudest.

> Kuidas toimib ostujuhtimine teenusena?

Lahtiseletatult toimib protsess järgnevalt:

Kliendil on 3 võimaust kuidas saata meile oma ostuvajadus:

meili teel
läbi mobiilsekataloogi
läbi Procurementflow portaali

Sealt edasi meie kogume kokku teie vajadused ja teeme vajadusest lähtuva ostutellimuse või viime läbi hanke, et leida kriteeriumitele vastav tarnija. Kogu suhtluse tarnijaga tarnekuupäevade ja muu tellimusega seonduva osas võtame enda peale, hoides samal ajal klienti kursis. Kui tellimus on saabunud, siis aitame kinnitada ka tellimusega seotud arveid.

Kliendi jaoks on kõik väga lihtne - Sina lihtsalt saada enda ostu vajadus ja meie teeme kogu ostuprotsessi ise!

eSourcing process

> Mis kasu saab ettevõte kui kasutab ostu ja hanke teenust?

Kulude kokkuhoid

Kui ostude maht on juba piisavalt suur, et hõivab mõne töötaja tööaega liigselt, kuid samas ei tasu ära eraldi uue töötaja tööle võtmine, siis on see teenus väga hea lahendus, kuidas hoida kulusid kontrolli all ja saada hea kvaliteediga ostukogemus.

Start eSourcing

Töötaja tööaja täisväärtuslik kasutus

Sa väärtustad enda töötajaid ja nende aega. Sa oled nad valinud enda ettevõttesse tööle nende kvalifikatsiooni ja teadmiste ning oskuste tõttu. Meie aitame neil nende tööle keskenduda ja vähendada kõrvaltegevusi, mis ei aita neil täita enda põhitööd.

Start eSourcing
Process Automation

eSourcing helps you find, contact and evaluate a large number of suppliers without spending any extra time. You can also keep the competition going throughout the process without additional manual labour. Automated comparison saves a lot of time for procurement.

Start eSourcing

> Can I get a quick 3-minute video overview?

Of course! Here it is:

> How long does it take to create and send out a first eSourcing event?

We have a proven track record that on average creating and sending out an eSourcing event to multiple suppliers takes ~15 minutes.

> Teenuse hind

  • Bring everyone on board in a day!
  • Free & Unlimited Requestors
  • 2TB Attachment Data Storage
  • Unlimited PO transactions annually
  • ChatBot for Requests
  • Supplier Portal
  • Set up your team with our consultant for free
  • Workflow Automation
  • Customer Support Priority
  • ERP Integrations
  • API access
  • Smart emailing
  • User Permissions
  • SAML SSO (Single Sign-On)
  • Solution that Supports entire Source-to-Pay Process
  • Simple way to keep Communication and Process in Sync
  • Easy Supplier Relationships and Contracts Management (SRM)
  • Smart Analytics and Procurement KPIs
Alates 69€/kuu
380€ per month
  • Ostude haldamine
  • Hangete tegemine
  • Ostutellimuste jälgimine
  • Tarnijate listi haldamine
  • Mugav tellimuste jälgimine kliendile

Working Solo

Free for 1 purchaser
No direct emailing to the suppliers (RFI, RFP, PO)
No direct emailing to the suppliers (RFI, RFP, PO)
  • Free Requestors (up to 10 unique)
  • Customer Support Email
  • Cloud Hosted
  • 100MB Attachment Data Storage
  • 500 PO transactions annually
  • Import/Export to Excel (permission)
  • GDPR Compliance
  • Switch or Cancel Anytime

Smart Team

-20% when Paid Annually
up to 5 users
  • Everything in Working Solo
  • Free & Unlimited Requestors
  • 2TB Attachment Data Storage
  • Unlimited PO transactions annually
  • Chat Bot for Requests
  • Supplier Portal
  • Set up your team with our consultant for free
  • Workflow Automation
  • Customer Support Priority
  • ERP Integrations
  • API access
  • Smart emailing
  • User Permissions
  • SAML SSO (Single Sign-On)
-20% when Paid Annually
6-20 users
  • Everything in Smart Team

Requestors & Approvals

Requestors can be anyone in your company who needs products or services to be purchased.

Approvals approve the orders and confirm that ordered goods or services are delivered.


There is no hidden fees for Suppliers. They can use your company’s Supplier Portal for free. Supplier portal is included in Purchasing Team monthly plan.

Pricing without VAT

VAT will be added to EU customers based on the Member State VAT rate where the customer is located unless a VAT number is provided.


For multiple teams/locations and specific requirements, please contact

Working Solo

Free for 1 purchaser
No direct emailing to the suppliers (RFI, RFP, PO)
No direct emailing to the suppliers (RFI, RFP, PO)
  • Free Requestors (up to 10 unique)
  • Customer Support Email
  • Cloud Hosted
  • 100MB Attachment Data Storage
  • 500 PO transactions annually
  • Import/Export to Excel (permission)
  • GDPR Compliance
  • Switch or Cancel Anytime
-20% when Paid Annually
6-20 users
  • Everything in Smart Team

Smart Team

-20% when Paid Annually
up to 5 users
  • Everything in Working Solo
  • Free & Unlimited Requestors
  • 2TB Attachment Data Storage
  • Unlimited PO transactions annually
  • Chat Bot for Requests
  • Supplier Portal
  • Set up your team with our consultant for free
  • Workflow Automation
  • Customer Support Priority
  • ERP Integrations
  • API access
  • Smart emailing
  • User Permissions
  • SAML SSO (Single Sign-On)

Requestors & Approvals

Requestors can be anyone in your company who needs products or services to be purchased.

Approvals approve the orders and confirm that ordered goods or services are delivered.


For multiple teams/locations and specific requirements, please contact


There is no hidden fees for Suppliers. They can use your company’s Supplier Portal for free. Supplier portal is included in Purchasing Team monthly plan.

Pricing without VAT

VAT will be added to EU customers based on the Member State VAT rate where the customer is located unless a VAT number is provided.

More about pricing and packages.

> 6 steps for setting up your first eSourcing event today

1. Sign up for a trial account...
...and wait a few minutes while our support team prepares everything for you.

2. Create a Purchase Requisition.
There are multiple options for doing that in ProcurementFlow. Read more about this from here.

3. Drag the Purchase Requisition which is marked as ready to Sourcing pipeline.

4. Select eSourcing from 3 available options (RFI, RFP/RFQ or eSourcing).

5. Fill an eSourcing form with details...
...questions, pricing details - everything that you want to ask from suppliers.

6. Select suppliers either from the SRM or create new suppliers directly in an eSourcing form.
Write a message and start eSourcing.

The only thing you need to do now is wait for the suppliers to respond. A comparison of both supplier answers and price offers will be generated for you automatically.

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Let's get started!

Streamline and automate Procurement

Built by Procurement People

Quickest Onboarding

No set-up • No credit card required  
14-day free trial • Cancel at any time